Monday, March 17, 2008

How does technology mediate the artist experience?

After being part of this module where I was able to experiment a combination of art with technology, I saw how technology affects the artist experience. Before doing the situational tour, I had done a lot of drawings by observation, but in this assignment, technology took a very important role. The camera allowed me to capture exact moments and to analyze and reflect on what I saw. Therefore, I realized that technology could mediate with the artist experience. It can give a deeper sense to ones art work and perspective.

A simple picture taken by a camera is worth a hundred words. With a camera, we are able to capture the moment, and to transmit that moment to someone else just by showing the image. By looking at the pictures I took in the situational tour, I was able to analyze what happened at that moment and to remember details I wouldn’t have remember if I would have drawn what I have seen or if I just observed it instead of having it in a picture.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Situational Tour: Poverty at El Salvador

Poverty, Hunger...

Loneliness, abandonment….

And behind this: a smile

Where do they get it from?

It’s Hope…

Hope that someone will think about them

Hope is what keeps them alive… I thought…

Where is your family? I asked a lonely boy…

He went abroad to find a job,

She is always fitting to get joy…

How do you feel little boy?

“What else would I want?” ….He said

“More than being alive?”

I thought I went to help,

but instead I received a great lesson:

“Appreciate what you have…”

“Things could always be worst than now…”

I continued to look around:

“How is everyone else doing?”…

Some walking to the houses,

Willing to give chances….

Giving them what they could give:
food, medicines, hope, a smile…

Some little kids were only playing around,

“Come and help!” That’s why we are here… Said their dad.

“We have to leave” …

From this place, I take a beautiful memory indeed…

Something in what I can always believe…

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Situational Tour Location

The location I chose for this situational tour is a little town called ¨La Herradura¨, located in El Salvador, at Central America.

Families from a non-profit organization go to a different town every month to help very poor people by giving them food and sometimes take doctors that will give them free appointments.
During one day at the town, we will be able to see rituals, as well as social situation in the country.

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Is film the “supreme art”?

While I was reading “Integration of the Arts”, one part of this writing called my attention: “In 1961 "The Futurist Cinema," F.T. Marinetti and his revolutionary cohorts declared film to be the supreme art because it embraced all other art forms through the use of (then) new media technology. Only cinema, they claimed, had a "totalizing" effect on human consciousness.”

I agree with what Marinetti said: “…declared the film to be supreme art…” Film does unify all forms of art, but besides that, what I best like about films is that they are a mean of communication and there is a more direct interaction with the audience.

Through a film you are able to do many things, such as transmit messages, show real life stories that help people indentify with one of the characters of the film, show different points of views, etc.

Through art, you can express yourself, but on my opinion (at least for me), it is more difficult to transmit the message I want my audience to get when it comes to drawing or painting, but it is “easier” when it comes to films.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

How has the creation of computers changed the way we create art?

Before the invention of computers art was just drawing, painting, singing, etc... No one would ever imagine that an improvement in technology would ever affect art, but it did.
Now, with a computer you are able to create art, you are free to do whatever comes to your mind without being afraid of making a mistake because the machine would allow you to change and improve anything you want.